Dublin Christmas Markets Guide
Every year in November/December, a large amount of organisations in the Greater Dublin area put a huge effort in planning and running Christmas Markets.
There are single-day markets and every-weekend markets, but every year is different. The organisers secure venues, organise stalls and traders and then hope for lots of appreciating customers. Some of the Christmas Markets are beautiful, others are quite basic. Some are full of atmosphere, others are very commercial.
This website presents them all to you so that you can choose!
Have fun exploring the markets and enjoy the pre-Christmas period!!
The link is at the bottom of this post and it will bring you to a very simple list of all markets we were able to find out about.
The FULL list of Christmas Markets is HERE!
The intention is to provide one single website that lists all Christmas Markets and brings the organisers of markets in contact with their audience/customers.
This site is brought to you by theĀ “Dublin Event Guide (for Free Events)”, Dublin’s most popular event magazine that focuses on high quality events with no admission charges. More than 24,000 subscribers and over 84,000 Facebook Followers benefit from the free service.
Please spread the word about this website so that everyone can find out about the Christmas Markets in Dublin. Thanks!
If you know of a Christmas Market that is not listed on this website, send a mail to dublineventguide@gmail.com with the subject “XMAS Market” and we will do our best to add all details.
The main news for Christmas 2019 are on the Blog Page.